Let's just say that this is the longest I have been able to stick with doing P90X so far!
It is a very intimidating workout regimen, but what really pushed me to try it again was the fact that my sister and her boyfriend are starting it. I love being able to chat with her for support and we are holding each other accountable.
I had a really nice visit with her and her new boyfriend down here in Baltimore this past weekend. He had never been here so we did some touristy/sights-seeing type stuff that my husband and I don't normally do because we have been living here for so long.
We ate out for some meals and eating out as a a vegan is much harder than eating out as a vegetarian. Some places were easier than other-- obviously our local Thai restaurant was easier than at Ale Mary's- a place very close to our house that has a fabulous (and meat and dairy heavy) brunch.
But I made it!
In other news, I have been applying to a bunch of plein air painting festivals and other competitions while staying busy working on some large urban-industrial landscapes among other things. Fingers crossed because I would really like the chance to meet and paint amongst other artists with similar artistic interests.
My proposal for a solo show at Pinebox Art Center was rejected but I'm not going to let that discourage me. It's not the first rejection and I know it won't be the last. All I can do is keep on keepin' on.
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